2019年6月19日 星期三
The interview answer
1.I help those people from giving them food and money.
2.Because I want to help those people.
3.Our organization will help all the people who needs help in the world.
4.I have been helping a person who was as thin as a bone before, it shocked me a lot.
5. In 1985/2/6
6.I don’t know,but a lot
7.There are 30 strongholds in Taiwan.
8.The people here are all very warm hearted and most of them are female.
9.I hope that we can change our plan to get more donate to help people.
10. Yes there are
11.My job is to serve the food.
12.Yes I sometimes feel tired while I am working
13.I have nothing to do, but I want to improve the worth of my life.
14.I didn’t earn any money.
15.a lot a lot a lot
The interview
Read Over Your Research and Brainstorm a List of AT LEAST 15 Questions
The more specific your questions are, the better. And never ask questions that can be answered with a simple yes or no. Make your interviewee talk.
Be sure to write all your questions down below, as well as in a notebook , then practice asking them with a partner. Become very familiar with your questions before you go into the interview.
- How do you help those people?
- Why do you want to do this job?
- Why do your organization help the people in other country?
- What is your most impressive experience?
- When did your organization set up?
- How many people have your organization been helping?
- How many stronghold do your organization have in Taiwan?
- Are there anything special you want to share with us in your organization?
- What would you like to improve your organization in the future?
- Are there a lot of people in Tzu Chi?
- What do you do in Tzu Chi ?
- Didn’t you feel tired while working in your organization?
- What makes you want to keep working?
- How much do you earn in a month?
- How many people are there in your organization?
What is Expo?
An Expo is just a word for an event where people come to see projects and learn information.
There are many kinds of expos. Some are about food, some are about the environment, some are about sports...
Watch this short clip. You can see an Expo with a family/kid theme. Notice there are fun things to do and there are tables where people show information about their organization or business. Sometimes they give out candy or some kind of prize to get people to listen to what they have to say.
There are many kinds of expos. Some are about food, some are about the environment, some are about sports...
Watch this short clip. You can see an Expo with a family/kid theme. Notice there are fun things to do and there are tables where people show information about their organization or business. Sometimes they give out candy or some kind of prize to get people to listen to what they have to say.
創辦人朱秀榮博士, 民國35年即創辦台灣光復後第一所正式立案的復興幼稚園, 38年隨政府再度來台,再次投身教育事業, 並為新創辦的學校取名「再興」,企盼國家再興、民族再興。
自此,完成幼稚園、小學、初中至高中,學制一貫的整體教育系統, 締造國內教育史的創舉。
再興擁有傲人的傑出校友,及爭相湧入再興之門追求品格高尚、 術德兼修的學子。再興傑出的校友不勝枚舉, 在國內各領域更是人才輩出,醫療界有數百名醫、 學術與法律界是不可勝數、產業金融與科技界執其牛耳者不計其數、 籃壇新秀及大眾傳播與演藝界「再興人」更是紅透半邊天。
進入再興之門將承擔繼往開來的重大責任,在學的莘莘學子, 也都勤奮好學,各方面的表現,仍舊亮麗輝煌,
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