2019年6月19日 星期三







生科 機構玩具


The interview answer

1.I help those people from giving them food and money.
2.Because I want to help those people.
3.Our organization will help all the people who needs help in the world.
4.I have been helping a person who was as thin as a bone before, it shocked me a lot.
5. In 1985/2/6
6.I don’t know,but a lot
7.There are 30 strongholds in Taiwan.
8.The people here are all very warm hearted and most of them are female.
9.I hope that we can change our plan to get more donate to help people.
10. Yes there are
11.My job is to serve the food.
12.Yes I sometimes feel tired while I am working
13.I have nothing to do, but I want to improve the worth of my life.
14.I didn’t earn any money.

15.a lot a lot a lot

The interview

Read Over Your Research and Brainstorm a List of AT LEAST 15 Questions

The more specific your questions are, the better. And never ask questions that can be answered with a simple yes or no. Make your interviewee talk.
Be sure to write all your questions down below, as well as in a notebook , then practice asking them with a partner. Become very familiar with your questions before you go into the interview.

  1. How do you help those people?
  2. Why do you want to do this job?
  3. Why do your organization help the people in other country?
  4. What is your most impressive experience?
  5. When did your organization set up?
  6. How many people have your organization been helping?
  7. How many stronghold do your organization have in Taiwan?
  8. Are there anything special you want to share with us in your organization?
  9. What would you like to improve your organization in the future?
  10. Are there a lot of people in Tzu Chi?
  11. What do you do in Tzu Chi ?
  12. Didn’t you feel tired while working in your organization?
  13. What makes you want to keep working?
  14. How much do you earn in a month?
  15. How many people are there in your organization?

What is Expo?

An Expo is just a word for an event where people come to see projects and learn information. 
There are many kinds of expos. Some are about food, some are about the environment, some are about sports...

Watch this short clip. You can see an Expo with a family/kid theme. Notice there are fun things to do and there are tables where people show information about their organization or business. Sometimes they give out candy or some kind of prize to get people to listen to what they have to say. 











2019年5月29日 星期三

Do Now 2/12 - Dream Job

Today we have a special guest, a DJ from Los Angeles. Enjoy the music while you answer the Do Now:

What is your dream job? What do you like about this job? 

Don’t think about money or education or opportunities. Just think about what you would like to do if you could do ANYthing.

I would like to be a vet.

Chinese New Year Personal Narrative Working Document 2

Step Two: Organize your writing:
The examples are to give you ideas. Do NOT copy this story.

What will your title be?
Example: My first red envelope
Chinese New Year Eve
What is the moment that you remember?
Example: I remember getting my first red envelope.
I  remember that I eat many things.
When and where did this happen? (Describe in detail, using adjectives that tell what your senses experienced)
Example: I was 3, and I was with my parents and grandparents at my home. There were red lanterns hanging, and the smell of incredible food. I could hear everyone talking at once, happy and excited. I felt so happy to be with my family.
This year, I was with my relative in Tainan, we ate many local food,and we also had a great time on Chinese New Year Eve, I felt happy because we rarely come to Tainan to visit our relative.
What was the first thing that happened?
First, my mother handed me the most beautiful red envelope. I did not know why I was getting a letter but everyone was smiling and watching me. I started to run away with it but my mother told me to open they envelope.
This year,My family and I went to Tainan .
It was hot there and everyone is preparing for Chinese New Year.I help hanging out the Spring Festival couplets and I went to buy some fish,vegetables,orange,apple and shrimps……
What happened next?
Then, I opened the envelope and found money inside! I was so excited! I remember my grandmother laughing and saying, “She was so happy with just the envelope.” My grandmother was right. The envelope was so beautiful and I was so happy. I did not know what money was useful for...yet...so my mother held the money for me.  I kept my envelope with me. I ate with it, watched fireworks with it, and slept with it.
Finally,the sun came down and the moon went up, the kitchen was ready so we started to cook, there was a vegetable I hadn’t seen, Mom said that we usually eat it on Chinese New Year because it means good health and a long life in Chinese. “Let me see….there are longevity peaches , sweet glutinous rice pudding, sweet sour fish,shrimps,Radish soup and pork.” wow that a lot of food.
What happened last?
Finally, the next day, my parents took me to the store and let me buy candy. That’s when  I knew why the money was useful. The candy was delicious, of course! It was sticky and sweet and gooey and smelled like chocolate heaven.
Everyone was so full after dinner, my favorite is sweet glutinous rice pudding! Suddenly ,someone suggest to play games, the adult played play mahjong and kids played cards,we stayed up late until 12:00 to bringing in the new year !
The candy was not the important part, though. I loved getting the envelope. I loved the color and the smells, and the sounds and the wonderful feeling of being with my family. I still have my first red envelope. I still love the envelope more than anything money could buy.
In the morning ,I saw many people setting  off the firecrackers, there were also lion and dragon dancing in front of the temple, Tainan is so fun ,but is time to go New Year's visit .wish everyone had a nice Chinese New Year Festivitie !

Chinese New Year Personal Narrative Working Document 1

Chinese New Year Personal Narrative Working Document

Step One: Brainstorm and Choose a small moment:

Find a small moment from Chinese New Year. It could be this year’s or a previous year. Choose a moment that you remember well, that would be interesting to write about.
Answer these questions to help you organize your ideas:

Why do you remember this moment so well?
Because it is once a year
How did this moment make you feel?
I feel exciting and fulfill
Why was this moment important to you?
because all of my relative get together.
What did you learn from this experience?
I learn to eat as much as I can in Chinese New Year.
Who was with you?
all my relative
What do you want your reader to know?
they might know the food in New Year's Eve

Do now: ¿Puedes escribir en español?

Do Now:
Can you write in Spanish? 
Write something in Spanish. If you know the words your classmates write, reply and say what it is in English. You CAN use an online translator! I did :)
School appropriate things only.

Hola, gracias

Build Your Own Menu

Sustainable House Project

Designing a Sustainable House

You will be designing a sustainable house. You may work with 1 or 2 other people on this project. Your house will be built on one-acre of land and will include design, energy usage, water usage, sustainable materials, and a garden.

Location: Choose from Morona-Santiago, Ecuador or Flagstaff, Arizona.

Shape of Plot: The area of an acre is 43,560 square feet. Choose a shape for your plot square, rectangle, or another shape of your choice. Just be sure your calculation comes out to 43,560 square feet!
Square: 208 ft 9 inches x 208 ft 9 inches

Questions to Ponder:
Your Plan:
  1. Where will your house get energy from?
  2. Calculate your home’s energy usage here.
  3. Can you generate enough energy for your whole house to use?

  1. Consider the location you chose for your house.
  2. What is the rainfall there? Humidity?
  3. Where will you get water for your house?
  4. Where will you get water for your garden?
  5. How will you treat your wastewater?

  1. Choose the materials you will use to build your house.
  2. Be sure to choose sustainable materials.
  3. Here are some resources:
  4. What materials will you use for the exterior of your house?
  5. What materials will you use for the interior of your house?
  6. What materials will you use for insulating the house?

  1. How much food will your garden produce for you?
  2. How much water will it use?
  3. What are your plans for ensuring your garden is organic?
    1. Organic means free from chemicals like pesticides and herbicides.

Ecuador Exploration

Look at these interesting facts about Ecuador. 
Which do you find the most interesting? Why?

Write at least two good sentences.

1.Guinea Pig is considered a local delicacy in Ecuador, along with many countries in South America. This image from Cusco, Peru shows Jesus enjoying his chosen last supper as Guinea Pig. 

2.Isabella Island is one of the youngest of the Galapagos Islands, and is shaped just like a Sea Horse.

our plan

2019年3月27日 星期三




2019年3月20日 星期三







2019年3月7日 星期四

2019年2月13日 星期三



2019年1月9日 星期三









12/12   我們班的第一次合唱比賽,大家從一開學就開始練習籌備,


